Our Aim
Our Aim
To provide a gymnastics based facility in which members and staff can participate in a safe, fun and professionally run environment.
Our Objectives
To promote healthy physical, mental and social development.
To work with Fife Council in the promotion of the sport.
To work with local schools to promote gymnastics as a healthy and fun activity.
To work with Special Needs Schools and other community based projects.
To provide a safe location and fun programme's for local children to participate in healthy and fun activities during the school holidays.
To further all aspects of Coach education.
To make provision for people to gain work experience and participate in training schemes as advocated by local government.
To provide the entire community with facilities at affordable rates.
To enhance lifelong learning.
- To secure the long term future of Zodiak Gymnastics Club.
N.B. It should be noted that Zodiak Gymnastics Club and its Management Committee operate a zero tolerance policy towards members who are consistently or excessively rude or abusive towards any member of Staff at the Club. Membership will be terminated without hesitation for such behaviour. This also applies to members who by their actions or behaviour bring the good name of the Club into disrepute - even whilst outside the Club premises.We are here to provide the best possible coaching to your child in a professionally run, friendly, fair and respectful environment. All we ask is that our members treat us and the good name of the Club in the same way.
The benefits of the early introduction to self-discipline through physical exercise cannot be overestimated, as this introduces more emotionally balanced and responsible young adults into the community at large.